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January 2025 Newsletter

That Uncontainable Source of Joy and Strength

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. – 1 John 4:7 NIV


God made us for relationship. A great bonus that comes with walking with Jesus as Savior and Lord is that we also walk with fellow believers. Dietrich Bonheoffer was a German pastor who spent the last months of his life in a Nazi concentration camp. Under such wretched conditions, Dietrich learned more deeply the value of Christian community. In his book, Life Together, he writes, “The physical presence of other Christians is an uncontainable source of joy and strength.”


I thank God for you and for your genuine commitment to Christ! St John's Reformed Church is a warm “family of faith”, devoted to one another and to making a positive difference in this community. I believe in you and in the bright future God has in store for you. I appreciate your love, trust and prayers while ministering with you these last 12 plus years. As I write this last newsletter devotional as your pastor, I value afresh the “uncontainable source of joy and strength” you have been for me.  


One recurring theme in the book of Acts is saying “goodbye”. Acts begins with Jesus’ ascension into heaven and ends with Paul’s journey to Rome. Between these bookends of departures, believers bid farewell to one another with the ache that comes from relational depth, but also with an assurance that in Christ, our separation is only temporary, and our eternal reunion is glorious and certain.


In Acts 20, Paul found it wrenching to leave those he loved to pursue God’s Call, but it was very clear that his commitment was to serve God and the Calling God had on his life—even though that meant leaving dearly beloved brothers and sisters in the faith.


It is appropriate that my leaving takes place in the Christmas season: when God came near in ways one could see and touch. Know for certain that God cares. John’s epistle continues, “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” (1 John 4:9). My prayer is that you will know God’s Presence personally. I also pray that you will continue to be that “uncontainable source of joy and strength” to one another as you live for Christ.  


Because He came,

Dave Meckley


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