St. John's Reformed Church
Traditional worship and biblical preaching
for the whole family
1698 Woodbury Pike Loysburg, Pennsylvania
November Newsletter
An Opportunity to Grow
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." – John 14:1
Jesus' words are most helpful to all who trust in Him. Times of transition can be troubling, anxious. Change spawns varieties of uncertainty. We see this in Scripture during times of transition – but we also discover what follows for the faithful is a transition to renewed faith and more effective ministry.
When the renowned prophet Elijah approached the end of his earthly ministry, it was the "talk of the town" in every community touched by his prophetic work. His successor, Elisha crossed the Jordan River with him and saw Elijah taken up by a whirlwind in a chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:11-12). Elisha cried out, “'My father, my father! The chariots of Israel and its horsemen!' And he saw him no more." Elisha grieved his loss. He no longer had his mentor – only his cloak. He was now on his own, but he was not alone. He called on God, the same God Elijah served so faithfully. Elisha returned across the Jordan to minister as God had called him. God provided Elisha a double portion of His Spirit, as reflected in his long anointed ministry.
Centuries later, as Jesus prepared His closest followers for His departure, He assured them whoever believes in Him will do even greater things than what they saw Him do (John 14:12). Yet, they went through profound grief and misunderstanding as Jesus walked that "Via Delarosa". Then, as the Good News of His resurrection became evident, their doubts gave way to breakthrough faith, profound joy, but also apprehension concerning what this all means and where do we go from here. The risen Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and after His ascension into heaven, they committed themselves to prayer – together. From that seedbed of prayer, the Holy Spirit came in power and they were equipped and emboldened to share the Gospel with clarity and power. Their Spirit-empowered ministry sparked a wave of evangelistic faith and faithfulness over the centuries that has impacted each of us and our church – and will continue until Jesus returns in power and glory.
We are part of God's Plan of Redemption. Let us look upon this time of transition as a time of opportunity for God to draw us closer to His heart, to seek Him more earnestly as we gather for prayer, to recognize the gifts of His Holy Spirit in ourselves and in one another, to step out in faith as we use our gifts to serve Christ and His church.
I thank God for you and pray God gives you wisdom and discernment as you take the necessary steps to make this transition a period of breakthrough faith and faithfulness.
Because He lives,
Dave Meckley, Pastor
Scripture-led Prayer - Wednesdays @ 5:30 pm
We meet in the downstairs Sunday school room at 5:30 on Wednesdays before choir practice. Feel free to join us!
Bible Study begins Sunday, November 10 at 4 PM
Bible study will meet on Sundays at 4 pm beginning November 10. Join us as we study John's Gospel in the downstairs classroom. We will be looking at John 14:12ff on November 10.
Cookie Exchange for Women's Guild
November 8, 6:00 p.m. Women’s Guild (Cookie Exchange),
Program: Peg Wachter; Hostesses: Beverly Smith & Lauren Sell.
Sunday School Christmas Program
Sunday, Dec 15, 10:45 am Christmas Program
The choir will take part in the Sunday school program, singing two new Christmas selections. Children and Youth Sunday school teachers will be in charge of class presentations. Please mark your calendars and invite family, friends and neighbors to attend this special time of praise and worship as we reflect on the great joy, hope, peace and love Christ’s birth brings to us.